A site should NOT be designed with an inadequate amount of zones … zoning a system is critical to ensure that ‘microclimates’ can have separate run times … what this means is that shaded flower beds should be separated from full sun facing beds, shaded flat, grass areas from sloped areas and so forth…this is critical in that poorly designed systems will put these zones together and each head will be forced to have the same runtime, resulting in some under watering and some overwatering within a zone due to evapotranspiration or ET as it is referred to in our industry.
Irrigation is a one-time upfront cost that provides years of savings in plant replacement, healthy plants that can defend themselves against weed takeover and disease invasion. Consideration should be taken into account over the long period as opposed to the initial installation costs.
Irrigation Nation is proud to say we are one of the first to install smart watering systems. giving you all the power to control and monitor your irrigation from anywhere in the world. Using modern day technology, we provide your system with the tools to tap into weather stations that communicate with satellite weather systems, feeding live reports every 20 min. This will allow your smart system to build a specified schedule based on the accurate weather reports, and the plant information input by our technicians during the initial installation, maximizing potential in both plant growth and in water savings. With the detailed programming and charting of historic weather patterns and current weather reports.... you are sure to win.
Having many years of SERVICE experience, our company understands the importance and cost savings associated with designing a system that is easily expandable in the future…landscapes change, plantings grow, flowerbeds expand and trees develop to the point that modifying the irrigation system MUST be taken into account at the initial install phase to drastically improve the ability to add/modify zones in the future. Our company provides spare wires in each valve box, controller expansion, extra zone capability, and modified layouts for easy future additions and changes.
All newly installed irrigation systems will have a rain sensing device installed. Irrigation Nation supplies and installs these devices for every project … although poorly enforced, we provide this feature as a must for our systems, to properly manage the irrigation during active rainfalls.